Androulla Georgiou

Androulla's 50th Birthday Donation

This year I wanted a birthday with a purpose.

A purpose that I am passionate about, children in dire straits!

To truly feed your spirit, remember this; “The secret to living is giving“ (Tony Robbins).

No matter how busy or broke you may be, you have something to offer others.

So many people miss the opportunity to know that their life makes a difference – but it does.

The need to contribute to something larger than ourselves is hardwired into every human being.

It gives meaning to life, feeds your soul, and lifts your spirits.

It helps you to be grateful for everything you have. It gives you significance.

Isn’t Leading Without Title and getting to be remarkable as a person all about giving?

Giving to your family – and to your life, which always sends you rewards in proportion to what you send it.

Too many amongst us think that by getting, we will find happiness and fulfilment – at work and at home.

But I believe happiness and fulfilment come from giving.

We all feel good being good. And doing good.

That’s the common thread that makes us human.

– Androulla Georgiou

About The Village Foundation

The Village Foundation was established in response to the dire situation facing the children of South Africa. We aim to make a real, meaningful impact in terms of increasing safety, alleviating hunger and providing platforms for education. To do so we collaborate with, and draw together the efforts of existing well founded organisations, corporate companies and individuals.

The number of kidnappings in South Africa has been increasing sharply over the past year. In the first six months of 2022 an average of 1 143 kidnappings a month were reported to the police, double the monthly average in 2021 (700). The increase in kidnapping for ransom and extortion cases “suggests that it has become an established and lucrative criminal practice in South Africa”, said the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organised Crime (GI-TOC) in a Strategic Organised Crime Risk Assessment report for South Africa published in September 2022. The horrible reality in South Africa right now is that more than 1 000 kidnappings a month have been reported since January 2022, and it is getting worse by the day.

This resulted in The Village Foundation’s collaboration with Missing Children South Africa (MCSA) and we believe the most urgent funding needed right now is for this Non-Profit, which is an organisation that assists the authorities when a child goes missing in South Africa, for any reason whatsoever. MCSA works closely with SAPS and other government bodies, Task Force Teams, as well as private institutions and other NGO’s to assist in the recovery and safe return of any missing child. MCSA’s first tier is an emergency response service. They have a national helpline for incident reports and callers are advised on which immediate steps to take in logging the incident officially with SAPS so as to ensure efficient and timeous action. They also liaise with the investigating officers on the cases, so as to ensure a continuous flow of information between the parents and authorities, often advising the officers on duty as to the correct steps to take. Secondly, by activating a vast national social and media network MCSA distributes flyers of missing children, creating mass awareness of the individual and maximising the chances of that child being recovered.

Human Trafficking Statistics In South Africa

In the decade from 2010, kidnapping more than doubled in South Africa and there are now 10 kidnappings per 100,000 people, according to the South African think-tank the Institute for Security Studies.

This is one of the highest rates in the world. 

The Government of South Africa does not fully meet the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking but is making significant efforts to do so.  These efforts included continuing to prosecute and convict traffickers, sentencing convicted traffickers to substantial terms of imprisonment, and continuing a few investigations into officials allegedly complicit in trafficking.

Human Trafficking is a horrible crime that affects society at large. Children and adults are often trafficked for prostitution in metro and rural areas. There are cases of both child and adult trafficking, and among the incidents of trafficking are sexual abuse and labour abuses.

Sex Trafficking, child rape, torture, and much more horrific things go unnoticed and they are not usually charged as severely as they deserve!


It is estimated that there are millions of victims; though only about 50–100,000 cases are found each year. The University of Johannesburg reports that trafficking occurs at a slightly higher rate for girls than boys, with 55.5% of all trafficked people in South Africa being female, and 44.5% being male.

More About Missing Children South Africa

Missing Children South Africa (MCSA) is a Non-Profit and Public Benefit Organisation that assists the South African Police Service (SAPS) when a person goes missing in South Africa, for any reason whatsoever.

Emergency Response

When a person goes missing, we offer emergency response services to assist families and loved ones to report the missing person straight away.

Working with SAPS

We maintain a close working relationship with the South African Police Service, in order to offer them the support they need to locate missing persons.

Create Awareness

Through our social media networks and via other channels, we spread mass awareness about missing persons. This ensures that our communities can also assist in locating the missing person.

Ongoing Support

Being there for families when a loved one goes missing is another way we offer assistance. We realise that in the event of someone going missing, families need all the support they can get.

MCSA’s website is and acts as an emergency report facility as well as a platform for informational and educational material with regard to Child Safety.

Their social media platforms can be found here:

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